Thursday, May 20, 2010


Alrighty, so it is definitely time for an update! I have been wanting to get to this, but life has, of course, been a little bit crazy!

We have seen some really good improvement in Seth since he came home from the hospital; when last we checked he has gained 14 pounds! Yay! This is so good, because even though we in the family became used to to, Seth had lost so much weight (he was seriously skin & bones!), due to his body working so hard to compensate for the unknown type 1 Diabetes.

So, that is pretty much a huge praise :)

On the flipside though, the mold still continues to grow and affect us all.

Due to the increasing mold buildup in the "little boys" (LOL, can't hardly call them that anymore!) room, they have all been transferred to the living room (actually, we already had Seth out there anyway!). So, this means 4 boys (and all their "stuff"!) sleeping out in our living room at nights...yeah, this makes for some fun if you are trying to scramble to the bathroom in the dark at night! :P

All three of the bedrooms on "that side of the house" (as we refer to it), are just getting worse. Basically, no one spends any more time in there then they have to, because the mold will just make you nauseous :P

The "girls' room" is accumulating more mold, though is it on the opposite side of the house from where the fire was, and it is effecting us with headaches and very painful stomach aches. Victoria, the youngest, has been having torturous stomach pains, throwing up and headaches... poor sweetie! All this to say that it is still very crucial that we find a real home where we can all try to build our immune systems back up and press on to higher heights in life. Thank you to those who have been uplifting us in your prayers, we are very grateful!

God bless,
The Devine Siblings