Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Upside Down & Topsy Turvy!

The title of this post is pretty much a description of how things have been feeling around the Devine house for about the last two weeks! Because, as some of you have heard, we received an eviction notice from our landlord on Friday the 2nd. So, 30 days from reception of our letter, we are supposed to be packed up, and moved out. We have done this once before, moving in thirty days, but, that was a special case; we only ended up moving barely 2 miles away! Not too hard of a task :) But this time we really don't have a clue as to where we will be going, least not yet.
So this is just to get y'all a little update as to what we're up to right now ;) As some of you know, we have been looking for a different house to live in since we found out about Seth, but now we are REALLY into the whole house-hunting gig! Trying to clean & pack more as much as we can each day, though its pretty tough to do when we don't have an idea of what kind of space we'll be moving into! ;P
But, God is so good, and we are trying our best to just trust him with all the special details :)

We are so thankful for everyone who has already told us that they will keep their eyes & ears open for us, and that they are praying...we can use all the help we can get! Thank you so much.

And so, its back to work!

20 days & counting(down!)...

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